Treatment Photography
1. Type of production and brief details on Subject/Concept: I am taking pictures for the subject: “In Motion” and I would like to take images of cars and random vehicles on the local roads to create a light trail of some sort which would make them move on the images.
2. Facilities: What facilities do you need for this project list all including software and hardware for the whole project: I need a SLR camera, a tripod and a computer.
3. Finance: If you produced this project outside of the college you need to show how much would it cost to hire the equipment that you intend to use.
4. Contributors: Who do you need to help this for you project? This includes talent and crew.
The public driving on the road
5. Codes of practice and regulation: What regulations to you need to be aware of? Think about college policy as well as regulatory bodies that you looked at in assignment 2, Worksheet 1.6 Regulation and Safety notes: I will have to ask permission from the drivers if I take images really close and in the day time so that I can see the people in their cars but if not then it would be okay. As well if I go over private property to take pictures of vehicles moving at speed on the dual carriageway.
6. Presentation: How will you present the pictures? Will you include a soundtrack, think about copy write issues etc. Well, I will put these in a presentation on PowerPoint hopefully in the future and describe how I took them and write what the picture shows and how I created the images on each page.